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Free trial version

Download. Install. Enjoy.

You can use the evaluation version of Win-Test for a 15-day period for free. There are only 2 following limitations :

-  The application randomly quits (between 30 minutes and 2 hours after startup).

-  The output files (Cabrillo, ADIF, REG1TEST, CSV or text) are not generated.

All the other features are working. You can even take part in a contest with this version, then buy Win-Test during the remaining days of the evaluation period to generate the Cabrillo (or REG1TEST) file !

At the end of the 15-day trial period, you have to either buy and register Win-Test, in order to use it without limitations, or uninstall it.

You can’t register this trial version of Win-Test. You will receive identifiers by email to get the registrable version after your purchase.

-  Télécharger la dernière version d’évaluation de Win-Test ici.
-  Télécharger le client Telnet (freeware) pour la connexion au DX Cluster et son utilisation dans WT (maintenant inclus dans le fichier au-dessus) ici.
-  Télécharger la version d’évaluation précedente stable de Win-Test ici.
-  Some older versions to these versions are available here.

SPECIAL French Championship - DX Side

A "SPECIAL French Championship - DX Side" version (freeware) is available and downloadable here.

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