First release for 2006, this new version can now work in German, thanks to Ben DL6RAI. The DARC 10m and RGSB AFS contests are also added.
Happy new year 2006 from the Win-Test team
Please find below the release file
2.23.0 (January 4, 2006)
German language added. Special thanks to Ben, DL6RAI, who provided the translation into German ! NB : some texts might still appair in english. This is mainly because we are not 100% synchronized between the developement steps and the translation. Thank you for your comprehension !
RSGB Affiliated Societies Team Contest added. Tnx M0CLW.
DARC 10m contest added. Tnx DJ5MW.
Added Alpha Power Amplifier band change control (Alpha 87A) through the serial port. Tks NT1Y.
N+1 check algorithm speed dramatically improved.
Contest settings dialog : "Contests of the month" checkbox added. When creating a new contest file, and if this box is checked, the contest list is build with contests which take place in the current month. Tnx F1HAR.
DXPeds : Summary QSO count columns enlarged to allow more than 99 999 Q per mode ! Should be enough... Tnx F5JSD.
Bugfix : The AGCW.DAT and AGCW_HNY.DTB files were outdated. These files are now updated, and available on our usual download directory :
Tnx DL6RAI for building these files.
Bugfix : AGCW HNY contest : The "DX" exchange in the contest settings dlg is now accepted and considered as "Non-member". Tnx DL6RAI
Bugfix : In some screen resolutions, the sked dialog (Alt-E) was not properly displayed.
Bugfix : Callsigns including a " ?" were accepted by mistake.
Bugfix : DARC Xmas : A station now counts only once per band. Tnx DJ5MW
Bugfix : Set date/time QSO dialog data validity strengthened.
Bugfix : The RAEM callsign is now considered as valid.